Monday, August 13, 2012

The Name Game

WHEW!!  Life has been a tad crazy!!!

We welcomed Forrest Luke Crumbley into the world on May 26th at 5:05 pm.  He weighed 8lbs 3oz and was 20in long.  He looks identical to Cy when he was born!  Such a sweetie.  Although, now he is up to 13.1 lbs and is 23.5 in long.  They grow so fast!!

I think the name Leroy has stuck though! 

A lot of people have commented on Forrest's name.  Ron was pretty set on the name, but I had him nearly talked out of it.  Although I really like the name, I didn't want the whole "Run Forrest Run" to be an issue.  However, I prayed the entire pregnancy for God to send me a name and right before Forrest was born the movie Forrest Gump came on.  Of COURSE it did.  Ron took that as a sign and RAN with it.  Ugh.  Seriously?  Not really a clincher for me, since that was the reason for my reservations.  It seems, however, as my doctor so lovingly pointed out, Forrest Gump loved his Momma.  Oh yes.  That helps.  :D

That is not what sealed the deal.

Of course Ron and I were in a heated debate in the hospital room, now with the added pressure of the birth certificate to fill out.  I began to write down a list of the names I liked best.


As I wrote Forrest, two words stuck out in particular....

For rest


What!!??  Seriously, this hit home in a profound way, and I know that God sent me the name, just as he sent me this precious new life.  If there is a lesson that God has been clearly teaching me for the past year it has been how to rest.  Mostly because for a while, I was working myself to death.  Quite literally.

Through major health problems and a pregnancy on top of that, I have had to learn to take myself out of the ballgame and rely on others for help.  Not only that, but I have been learning what it means to rest in Christ and trust him completely.  So it makes perfect sense that this sweet boy is named For rest.  Forrest.  Because of the burden of carrying this child I have learned to allow others to help me, and to ask for prayer and assistance.  I've learned to take a break, even if I have a trillion things to do.  I haven't had a choice.  So, even though a newborn normally comes with countless hours of sleep deprivation and extra work, this gift from God has helped to reinforce what He has been teaching me.

For rest.  It makes me smile when I say it.

Matthew 11:28-30

28Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls.
30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Jesus made it easy for us to achieve salvation.  It doesn't matter how hard I work, the only thing that saves me is my trust in Christ.  I can rest in the fact that my fate is sealed.  I can rest in the fact the God has control over every event in my life.  I can rest in the fact that I do NOT control my own destiny, no matter how hard I may try to.  It is all for the purpose of achieving glory for God.
Boy, does that give me peace.

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