Thursday, August 23, 2012

Yep.  I am officially a "MEAN MOMMY!!!"

Currently I am sitting on my bed, surrounded by folded clothes, listening to my three year old scream at the top of her lungs.  "MOMMY!  MOMMY!  MOMMY!  YOU HURT MY FEELINGS!! YOUR A MEAN MOMMY!!  MOMMY COME HERE!!!  COME HERE!!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!!!


I implemented a new rule today, after being screamed at and ignored for the majority of the afternoon.  If you can't mind mommy, and if you insist on fussing and fighting, I will spank your bottom and send you to bed.  AND I will ignore you until you go to sleep.

My friend assures me this is "tough love."  I can assure everyone, that it is not just tough on the kids.  It is tough to be the "mean mommy" even when I know it is what is best for everyone.  I am a firm believer that today's society is rearing over-indulged, overly-petted, overly-appeased children.  I'm not saying that children shouldn't be loved and cherished.  I'm saying that as a society we are training future adults that will require the "things" they want and need in life to be handed to them on a silver platter.  Quite frankly, I'm tired of it.

As a parent I shouldn't be required to reward bad behavior by handing over a new toy or game and essentially say, "Oh it's okay to scream at me in this store in front of everyone, just because I told you you couldn't have it.  Honey, sweetie, sugarpie....just quit your bellering and I'll buy it for you."  I'm sick of it.  If people want to look at me as a horrible person, so be it.  I want to raise functional, self-supportive, confident adults.  I want to raise a boy into a good worker, husband, and daddy.  I want to raise a little girl into a wife, mother, and to be self-sufficient if she decides to be.  I want my kids to realize that they are not the center of the universe.  We have an awesome God who fills that role.

It hurts to hear my child saying these things, and it hurts to sit and listen to her cry and beg for me.  I know she'll be over it as quick as her little eyes shut.  And as quick as she quits screaming at me, I will go in her room, crawl into her bed, wrap my arms around her, and tell her that her behavior is not okay, but that I love her more than she will ever know.

I wonder if this is how God feels when I continuously disobey him?  I wonder if he feels sad and frustrated because of having to discipline His child in a manner that seems so harsh.  Or does He know that ultimately it is the discipline that will turn His child into the person He wants me to become, the person He is molding me into?  I hope it is the latter.

Now, I have a little girl whose screaming has turned into quiet little sobs, and is very quietly whispering, "please mommy, please come lay down with me..."  Almost time to be "Loving Mommy" again.

Thank goodness.

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