Monday, May 21, 2012

Praise the Lord!

I had a really great weekend.  I felt almost normal for the first time in a LONG time!  Of course, I'm still ginormous and can't do a whole lot, but I felt good.  I worked in the garden, in the yard, and followed Ron around the farm.  I haven't been able to do that in months.  I know from experience that it means that my body is almost ready for this little guy to make his big debut.  I am so excited!  If he doesn't decide to come before then, we will induce on Saturday.  FIVE MORE DAYS!!!  Since I took off of work, I have everything just about ready.  My house is cleaner than it has been in a very long time.  I have kept the laundry at bay...which is kind of astounding!  Now if I can keep my monkeys from making any messes this week......

We had new baby piggies born last week.  They are so sweet!  Addie Mae thinks that it's her job to check on them every day.  The baby chickens running around the barn are also under her supervision.  She is so funny.  When they first hatched, there was a baby chick that had died.  Addie came and told me about it and insisted that she called her daddy.  When he answered the phone she told him that he "had to call the chicken doctor!! There's a dead baby chicken!!"

The new puppies are doing well.  I haven't killed them yet.  They are getting very good at going to the door when they need out.  Every morning at about six, they start barking wanting their breakfast.  That's okay because I get up then to get Cy on the bus.  However, these are hound dogs, and when they bark it is LOUD, and rather annoying.  I do my best to allow them to bark as little as possible.  Ron has forbidden me from telling them to hush, because apparently coon hunting dogs are SUPPOSED to bark like that.  They have adopted the habit of chewing on shoes.  Whose shoes do you think they like the most??  Yep, mine.  My favorite Yellow Box flip flops to be exact.

Our garden is also thriving.  We are about to be over-run with cucumbers, squash, zucchinis, tomatoes, and peppers.  We are already picking the squash and zucchini.  Canning season starts in about two weeks.  This year should be a challenge with a newborn!  I have a lot to can this time around.  We are completely out of salsa.  Ron loves pickled squash, and I plan to try my hand at making some pickles.  I really love the bread and butter pickles!

On another note, I am asking for your prayers.  This pregnancy has done a fabulous job of keeping my blood pressure and heart rate at a normal level.  However, we don't know what will happen when the swelling and pressure from the baby goes away.  Hopefully, things will be perfectly fine and normal.  That is my prayer anyhow, and I ask that you will pray that as well.  Right now, I am concentrating on bringing another healthy little boy into the world, and praising God for the opportunity and privilege of it!  I refuse to worry about the rest.  God is in control either way!

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