Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Child Rearing...

I'm pretty sure that I have never seen an episode of Andy Griffith or Leave it to Beaver in which you see Aunt Bea or June Cleaver (in all their perfection) happily doing dishes or sweeping the floor...meanwhile, you hear in the background, "I'M THROUGH!!!!"

If you are a mommy of potty-trained children, you know good and well what this means.  You are about to walk to the bathroom, open the door (or just walk through if you're at my house because no one knows how to shut a door) and as quick as you walk in you see a very naked heiney in all it's glory, sticking straight up in the air in the assumed position.  If you don't get there in the amount of time, said sticking up heiney feels is appropriate, you are bound to hear, "COME WIPE MY BUTT!!!!"

Oh yes.  These are the things the doctors do not prepare you for after birthing a precious bundle of joy. There is no manual they give you as you leave the hospital that gives step by step instructions on how to raise a child.  Trust me, I've had three and no luck with a manual yet.  

No one tells you about the times when those wonderfully sweet children turn into horrible, bratty, mean little creatures whose only goal for the day is to drive you so crazy that your head starts spinning like the chick from The Exorcist.  No one tells you that there will be days on end when you have absolutely no sleep, but you still have to get up and keep going.  No one tells you that the reason that your laundry pile is reaching the ceiling is not because you have an additional body to clothe, but because that additional body has projectile vomited all over you twelve times today.

There are other times that no one tells you about.  The first time you get to see the most adorable little smile on a tiny little face, it simply melts your heart.  The very first time you hear "I love you mommy" from the most precious voice, the world seems so much better.  No one tells you about the sweet prayers babies pray when they talk to Jesus, it doesn't even cross their minds to doubt His wonderful presence.  These special times are just the tip of the iceberg.  There are so many other times that make sleep deprivation, wearing vomit, and wiping bottoms worth every single second.  I'm trying to learn how to laugh through crummy times, because in reality these babies will be grown before I can blink.  Cy turns seven this year, and I could swear that it was just last week that I was walking the floors with him trying to soothe his colic.  

Tonight, after a VERY trying day, I finally got everyone calmed down and in bed.  We prayed our prayers and told our stories, because we can't go to sleep until that is done of course.  Cy crawled in my lap, and didn't really fit easily anymore.  His long, lanky legs draped off the bed, and his long arms wrapped around my neck.  He gave me a kiss and told me that he loves me.  That love made my negative mommy day turn into the best night a mommy could have.

I'm sure tomorrow when he remembers that I grounded him from his video games, he'll probably hate me again....but I'll think about that tomorrow!!!

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