Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am seriously in need of Aunt Bea.  "Leroy" is not due until May 29th....however, yesterday I learned that he may be making his grand appearance sooner than we planned.  Which is awesome, because I am ready to meet this new little blessing!  At the same time, I have absolutely NOTHING ready!  My house is a disaster.  It looks like a tornado has hit the inside.  I don't have his bed up yet.  Not a big deal because I have a bassinet....big deal because I haven't took it out of storage.  I have about a trillion loads of clothes to wash.  There are still groceries sitting on the counters from where I did my shopping on Saturday.

Normally, this all would not phase me.  I wouldn't bat an eyelash at the work, and I would buckle down and have everything perfectly in order by tonight.  But no.  Since my body decided to rebel against me in August, I can't do it.  I left work at 12 today, and have been laying here on the couch since, trying my hardest to will my body to quit hurting.  God has been trying to teach me to rest for over a year now.  Let me just say, that this is the hardest lesson I've ever had to learn!!  I'm just not a "rester."  I go till I can't....well, I used to anyway!

I know I'm whining.  For my second post in the blogging world, it can't be very entertaining or interesting.  I'm being honest though.

Last night nearly broke me.  I came  in from the doctor's office bent and determined to get everything ready.  Ha!  I cooked supper, and got the kids in the tub.  And by that time, I was doubled over with contractions.  With the two in the bathtub, screaming out needs for me to fulfill, I did the best I could to fold laundry.  Meanwhile, I just didn't realize what a mess those two monkeys were making.  The GIANT bottle of shampoo/body wash that I JUST bought Saturday, was being poured into the tub, making GIANT bubbles.  So not only are there bubbles everywhere, there was also water flooding the floor.  I did my best not to flip out and ignored the mess, got them out of the tub, forced them to put clothes on, and sat them down to eat.  Apparently they are both in a "I hate food" stage, so they barely touched the meal that nearly killed me to cook.  Awesome.  By now, I am in tears, balling like a two-year-old who just got a toy taken away.

Then I had a dream in the course of maybe two hours that I slept last night.  I dreamed that I was in full and active labor, I kept hollering for Ron to wake up and help me up so we could go to the hospital.  Ron snored away as I delivered this beautiful baby boy in the middle of the living room floor, surrounded by folded clothes that were in need of being put away.  I finally got him to wake up, and take us to the hospital.  When we arrived, the doctor said the baby was fine and sent us right back home.  She said that I needed to clean my house.

Oi vey.

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