Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Andy Griffith Show

Sometimes I want to live in a television show.  Not just any show.  Not some steamy soap opera filled with crises and emotion.  Not a crime scene drama, nor an adventure filled cop/detective show.  I want to live in Mayberry.  I don't mean I literally want to live in a pretend world.  I want to live a life like the people do on the Andy Griffith Show.  Time is slower, but every incidence can be solved in a thirty minute time frame.  Women have a distinct role that is different than a man's.  Children are well behaved, and houses stay spotless.  Of course, I know this isn't rational.  I understand that I live in a different time, and that a television show only lets certain aspects of life be seen.

That being said, there are a few things I should probably divulge.  I am a HORRIBLE housekeeper.  I mean awful.  I know how to keep a clean, orderly house and can.  But I despise staying indoors.  I love to work outside, which is great considering I'm a farm wife.  It gives me great pleasure to see plants and animals grow and thrive.  I enjoy preserving the things we grow in our very large garden.  I'm not a complete failure at house-wifery though, I love to cook.  Not just hamburger helper and a thrown together meal.  I like to cook elaborately and uniquely.  I'm pretty good at it too.  I also love being a mommy to Cylas and Addie Mae.  This task is harder, more painstaking.  These two try my patience and make me work harder than I ever thought I would.  Cylas is one of the most intelligent six year olds that I have ever known (I may sound like I'm bragging, but you can ask anyone that knows him, and they will tell you the same).  He is analytical and pays attention to every detail.  He wants to know the how's and why's of EVERYTHING.  Addie Mae is very creative and has lots of imagination.  She loves to play, sing, and dance.  They are both hilarious.  Seriously, they drive me crazy and make me laugh.  They have taught me more about trust, forgiveness, salvation, and the grace of God than any sermon I have ever heard.  God has given me these children specially to teach me and to show me how He loves.  Very soon, I will have another little boy to be Mommy to.  "Leroy" as Addie calls him, remains nameless at the moment.  Ron and I can't agree on a name, and God hasn't sent us a divine revelation yet.  He is already stubborn and quite literally plays on my nerves.  I'm so thankful for this surprise of a blessing.  

I'm not really sure what direction God is taking me in right now with all the changes that have come into my life in the past year.  I do know that He has a purpose and a plan, and I know that I am learning SO much on my journey.  I love my crazy, hectic, wonderful life, and would not trade it for another.  

Even if it isn't always as perfect as the Andy Griffith Show.